We work very closely with top global merchants from all over the world to source and curates the most unique products on the market at the best prices for you. We travel the world and meet trusted suppliers to put together a collection of fun and trending product, this way, you don't have to drive around to retail shops, search thousands of different websites to price compare and get ideas...think of us as a one-stop shop destination for the most popular products. 🙂 Because of this, your order can be shipped anywhere from China, Tibet, India, Vietnam etc. via our partnership with USPS.
<p>When you place your order, you will receive a Purchase Confirmation email confirming your Order # and purchase details. You can cancel your order or make changes to your shipping information the same day you placed your order by midnight. After 6 hours, your order will be processed for stocking, packing and shipping and this normally takes 5-10 business days. When this is completed, you will receive a Shipping Confirmation email.</p> <p>Once your order has shipped, we will send you another Shipping Update email with your tracking number. To track your package, simply click on the link provided. Tracking information may not be available for the first couple of days after you receive your Shipping Update email. Several days may pass between package scans. We assure you that this is normal and will not affect your expected delivery date.</p>
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